Kiddies Korner Playschool
403.854.8374 • kkps.executive@gmail.com
501B – 3rd Street West
Box 597, Hanna AB, T0J 1P0
The Kiddies Korner Playschool is a licensed program under Alberta Child & Family Services. Our co-operative playschool is run by the parents through a volunteer parent executive. We are a play-based environment where children have fun exploring, discovering and developing physical, emotional, social, creative and early learning skills
At playschool we encourage the children to:
- Share and take turns
- Use their manners
- Use their words to solve conflict; not their hitting hands
- Try to solve their own problems, but seek assistance when needed
- Have fun, use their imagination, discover, explore, and create
- Help and care for others, including respect for each other and our differences
- Follow directions, participate in small group activities, and listen quietly when others are talking
- Take care of themselves (eg. Putting on their own shoes or coat, cleaning-up after themselves)
Kiddies Korner is a peanut/nut free facility.
Starting Dates for 2024–2025
Classes will begin the week of September 9. Class schedule for this year is to be determined.
The above classes are subject to change.
If registration numbers are low, two classes will be combined if needed. We accept enrolment applications year round, so please do not hesitate to reach out to an executive member for more information. If you would like to speak to us in person please feel free to come see us at the Fall Registration Fair! Please bring your child's Health Care Number and a $20 registration fee. See below for 2024/2025 registration details.
The full year fee for the three-year-old program is $575 and for the four-year-old program $1,150.
The fundraising deposits will need to be paid in full upfront via etransfer to kkps.executive@gmail.com and will be refunded in June 2025 providing you have completed the volunteering requirements.
We are happy to provide families in the 4-year-old program with two payment options:
- Pay the full fee of $725 prior to the start of Septembers class; or
- Pay $435 prior to the start of Septembers class and one final payment due January 1, 2025 for $290
Additional subsidy is available to cover the parent portion of the 4 year old fees ($225).
You can apply for this online at https://www.alberta.ca/child-care-subsidy.aspx. Additional funding options are available, please reach out to an executive if you require information.
A 10% penalty fee will be added onto any outstanding balance owing.
Note: There is a non-refundable $20 insurance/registration fee (due at the time of registration) that is not included in the prices below.
Parents can apply for Child Care Subsidy to help off set the cost of playschool if needed. Visit www.humanservices.alberta.ca for more information or contact the playschool treasurer. The Town of Hanna offers a Community Youth Fund to those who qualify, please call 854-4433 to inquire.
Standard Policy
- Your child must be three years of age to attend Kiddies Korner Playschool. However, they may begin playschool at any time in the term following their third birthday.
- Your child must be four years of age before December 31st to enroll into the four-year-old program.
- Your child must be toilet trained.
- Every child must be signed in by a parent or guardian upon arrival and departure.
Playschool will be closed for:
- Labour Day: Monday, September 2, 2024
- Truth & Reconciliation Day: Monday, September 30, 2024
- Thanksgiving: Monday, October 14, 2024
- November Break: November 11-15, 2024
- Christmas Break: Last class is December 20. Returning to class January 6, 2025
- Family Day Break: February 17-21, 2025
- Good Friday: April 18. 2025
- Easter Break: April 21-25, 2025
- Victoria Day: May 19, 2025
- Last Week of Classes: May 26-30, 2025
2024 Fall Registration
Registration forms will be available on this webpage. Completed registration forms can be emailed to kkps.executive@gmail.com, or mailed to Box 597 Hanna, AB T0J 1P0. All registrations are accepted in the order received. A $20 registration fee is due at the time of registration and can be paid by cash, cheque, or etransfer to kkps.executive@gmail.com (it will autodeposit).
2025 Spring Registration
Registration forms will be available on this webpage after June 1, 2025. Completed registration forms can be emailed to kkps.executive@gmail.com, or mailed to Box 597 Hanna, AB T0J 1P0. All registrations are accepted in the order received. A $20 registration fee is due at the time of registration and can be paid by cash, cheque, or etransfer to kkps.executive@gmail.com (it will autodeposit).
COVID-19 & Flu Season
As stated in COVID-19 Information; Guidance for Preschools, Parents are to keep their children at home if they are displaying any COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms. These symptoms include; fever, cough, shortness of breath/ difficulty breathing, sore throat, chills, painful swallowing, runny nose/ nasal congestion, feeling unwell/ fatigued, nausea/ vomiting/ diarrhea, unexplained loss of appetite, loss of sense of taste or smell, muscle/ joint aches, headache, and/or conjunctivitis (pink eye). For up-to-date Preschool COVID Protocols click on the following link. https://www.alberta.ca/guidance-documents.aspx You will need to scroll down to “Preschools, daycare and out-of-school care.”
Each year the Kiddies Korner Playschool Fundraising Committee is responsible for raising around $3,000 for our program. Fundraising is an essential part of keeping our program afloat and each year we try to balance the requirements for the parents without burdening them with out of pocket expenses. Since this may be your first experience with fundraising, the Fundraising Committee wants to make sure you are aware of expectations for the year.
The Fundraising Committee will email or will post on the Kiddies Korner Facebook group page any information regarding upcoming fundraising.
All parents are expected to participate in the fundraisers over the year. To keep things fair, Kiddies Korner Playschool requires an EFT to the Playschool for $250. At the end of the school year, if all your fundraising requirements have been met, you will be reimbursed the $250 fundraising fee.
Without fundraisers, Kiddies Korner Playschool wouldn’t be able to offer the extra creative opportunities, toys, gym equipment and books the children have grown to love (and the parents have come to expect). We thank you for your contribution to “play”.