Non-Restricted Firearms Training

Where:  Lynks Upstairs Boardroom

When:   TBA

Time:      TBA

Cost:      $165

Instructor: Kelly Lewis

The Non-Restricted Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) is the course required to apply for your Non-Restricted Possession and Acquisition License (PAL). The Non-Restricted Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) is 8 hours long and includes lecture and hands on training. Hands on training is done with real but deactivated rifles and shotguns, with dummy ammunition. A Non-Restricted PAL gives you the ability to purchase most long guns such as rifles and shotguns, and ammunition. You will be presented with your copy of the course report and all documentation needed to apply for your PAL at the end of the class. Please register below or call 403.854.2099 to save your spot.

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